The team at Cunnington Rosse was engaged to prepare a masterplan that would assist Litchfield Council, the community and potential partners to understand the options available to develop the site,
the financial implications and opportunities of proceeding with development and the expected community outcomes. The project was completed over four stages which included comprehensive Background Research,
a detailed Site Analysis, targeted Stakeholder Engagement and the preparation of masterplan options for the site. The resulting masterplan explores the best use of the site,
considering the demonstrated need for additional services and facilities for residents of, and visitors too, Humpty Doo and provides options and concepts for the development of the site.
The visionary approach explored options for the site to not only contain community facilities, but also tourist commercial and residential development sites to capitalise on the strategic and convenient
location to both the Arnhem highway and existing Humpty Doo commercial centre.
The Project subsequently won a Planning Institute of Australia Award for excellence.